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Mountain View is more than a real estate developer. A whole integrated residential community

Mountain View is more than a real estate developer

Mountain View is more than a real estate developer. A whole integrated residential community

Amal Ali 03 Nov 2022

In recent decades, people have become more familiar with the concept of real estate development, and many companies have entered the Egyptian market, whether national, Arab, or even international. 

Each real estate developer adopts a vision that he aspires to reach by launching a group of projects in the Egyptian market. While the interest in most projects remains focused on the idea of real estate development and building and constructing projects only, there are a group of companies that have been able to prove that the real estate sector can adopt a societal vision that advances the whole community.

In this article, we will introduce you to one of Egypt's most famous real estate development companies Egypt today, Mountain View Development and Real Estate Investment, which was classified as one of the largest Egyptian real estate developers in 2021. 

In this topic, we will take you on a tour to learn about the company's most important and famous projects in all its details.

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Get to Know Mountain View Development and Real Estate Investment

Mountain View Development was established in 2005 by businessman Amr Soliman, and it is considered a subsidiary of Dar Al-Mimar Engineering Group. So far, Mountain View has managed to establish more than 13 luxury real estate projects across Egypt, in the west and east of Cairo, the Red Sea, and the North Coast.

Mountain View developments vision and values

Mountain View was established with a strong and clear vision, which is to become one of the most important leading real estate companies and to always be at the forefront by providing world-class real estate projects from resorts and residential compounds according to the highest international standards in design and construction.

Mountain View partners with the largest companies specialized in the fields of engineering and construction to produce its projects completely different from everything that surrounds it. 

You will find that the Mountain View Company adopts a unified type of architecture and design, which is in the American style with a combination of white and blue. Mountain View always puts in front of it that every detail in its projects its main goal is to improve the living and housing experience for all those inside Mountain View.

Mountain View’s mission focuses on three main points:

Doing good: leading by example by presenting a positive model that encourages the rest of the community to do the same.

Spreading Happiness: Mountain View is very interested in spreading happiness among all individuals, starting with employees, partners, customers, all beneficiaries, and members of the community.

Achieving success: by creating projects that achieve booming success, the residential communities in Mountain View can continue to thrive.

Mountain View Developments Social Activities 

Everyone who belongs to Mountain View knows how keen they are to advance societal values by participating in activities that serve the community and through awareness campaigns carried out by the company and through advertisements. 

Over the past years, Mountain View has been able to prove its ability to compete in the advertisement field during seasons such as Ramadan, but it is not only advertising its projects but also exploits its ability to reach people to work on improving mental health and supporting the values of positive social participation.

Mountain View and Mohamed Salah bubble-free ad

In its latest advertising campaign, Mountain View managed to make a big effect and prove that everybody or institution can play a big role in influencing the behavior of society.

Through the cooperation of Mountain View with a famous figure such as Mohamed Salah, it was able to transmit a strong message calling for effective communication between families and individuals and avoiding permanent integration and isolation within social media sites and the electronic bubble that isolates children from real life. This is precisely in line with Mountain View's vision of providing residential communities based on true interpersonal communication.

Climate Summit in Egypt 2022

Mountain View believes that every human being has the power to influence and create a sustainable environment filled with natural resources that leads to the maintenance of a safe and stable planet. 

Based on this principle, comes Mountain View Company's participation in the Climate change Summit 2022, which will be held in Egypt this month. Through this participation, Mountain View seeks to be part of Egypt's Vision 2030 for sustainable development and work to achieve a better future for Egypt and the coming generations.

Sports activities 

In support of Mountain View to strengthen the sports culture in Egyptian society, we find they are always keen to cover the most important sporting activities. It does not only promote sporting events but also provides all means to make it easier for all the residents of Mountain View to practice sports. Each project contains jogging tracks, bicycle areas, a gym, playgrounds for various sports activities, and swimming pools as well.

If you follow the Mountain View Facebook page, you will find their support for their eagerness to support all national teams in all sports, most recently the first national team for Padel tennis in the 2022 World Cup.

Happiness activities

Mountain View developments take an extra step to spread happiness and joy among all members of the Mountain View community, where a whole team specializes in spreading happiness, planning and arranging celebrations and activities that spread happiness. It was among their biggest achievements that they brought the expatriate families together, believing in the value of the family and that it constitutes the true meaning of happiness.

Mountain View Community

One of the most important distinguishing points of Mountain View projects is the customers and their keenness of not only to buy a building or housing, but their desire to belong to a luxury residential community as offered and promoted by Mountain View Company. 

Certainly, Mountain View Company has been able to promote the type and standard of life that residents can live, and this appears strongly with the launch of each new phase of Mountain View projects, where the turnout is so high and huge that in some phases all units are reserved only in the pre-booking stage.

Mountain View believes that the right to a better life is not only restricted to each individual towards himself, but it is a social responsibility towards everyone, especially children. 

Based on this principle, Mountain View Development is always keen to create residential environments that contain very wide green spaces to encourage residents to enjoy their daily lives through the wide range of activities that can be practiced within Mountain View projects.

Mountain View also cares that the experience of its clients is very unique by dealing with a real estate institution that cares about the public health of citizens, and this shows through their interest that the air quality is high inside each compound through the spread of many plants and green places. 

Mountain View encourages the practice of sports by adopting awareness and support campaigns through its social media platforms and providing multiple places for practicing different types of sports. In the end, all these efforts are in the interest of all residents.

Mountain View developments successes in the Egyptian market

Every project that Mountain View has undertaken is a success in itself. Mountain View projects have a good reputation among all customers, which always pushes them to own and live in Mountain View.

Among the initial success stories comes the Mountain View 1 New Cairo project, a project whose impact continues to this day, which prompted the company to launch a new phase for the project, which is Mountain View 1.1 Extension. Learn more about the details of this phase through the following links:

Helio Park Mountain View Project

One of the largest recently announced projects is the cooperation between Mountain View and Madinet Nasr for Housing and Development, a partnership that comes after Mountain View won the largest real estate auction in the last 10 years.

The Helio Park project is located directly on Cairo-Suez road and extends over an area of 1695 acres. The Helio Park project is planned to be an integrated project that will provide residential, administrative, and commercial units.

Learn more about the details of the Helio Park project through this link, and contact us for more details:

Mountain View Development’s most famous projects

Mountain View is very interested in choosing very distinct locations for its projects, so you will find them in the most prestigious and lively places. 

Mountain View residential projects are allocated in areas such as New Cairo, and Sheikh Zayed. As for the resorts, they extend along the northern coast and also have projects in the Red Sea. You can take a look at all of the following projects:

Fifth Settlement

6 October

North Coast

Follow everything related to the Egyptian real estate market through the Inland website and know the latest news. And if you are interested in browsing real estate projects, you can follow them with ease.

You can always contact us directly at this number 01003366453 and get a free real estate consultation and answer all your questions, do not hesitate and contact us.