Rock Yard Sheraton
(0 Properties)New Heliopolis For Sale
- Delivery Date 2028
The City of New Heliopolis was established by Republican Decree No. 193 of 1995 and belongs to the Heliopolis Company for Housing and Development, which has an area of 5888 acres. It is considered a distinguished and future city because it is considered an extension of the Heliopolis region and the new investment entity for it by preserving the landmarks and basic character that the region of Egypt bears. The ancient New Heliopolis is also called The New Heliopolis in the city of the sun, and the green spaces in it occupy 65% of its total area.
It has a geographical location between the Cairo-Suez and Egypt-Ismailia roads
The city is divided into residential - administrative - recreational - service areas and educational areas.
It is considered an attractive location for investment and housing because it is a new city with a distinguished geographical location and the new version of the most famous and oldest district in Cairo (Heliopolis)
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