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Sawari New Alexandria Compound اخر تاريخ تحديث : 14 November 2021

Sawari New Alexandria Compound (0 العقارات)

مصر, الاسكندرية, New Alexandria For Sale

  • بسعر يبدأ:
  • المقدم: 10 %
  • الأقساط: أكثر من 6 سنة
  • تاريخ التسليم:


Sawary New Alexandria city Compound at the intersection of the international coastal road and Cairo _ Alexandria desert road, near the Police Hospital, Carrefour Alexandria.

New Alexandria is located on the western desert extension of Lake Dairout, about 6 km from the centre of Alexandria.

Sawari project new Alexandria built on a vast area estimated at 417 feddans, where the first phase of the project consists of 15 residential buildings on an area of 10 feddans,  the proportion of construction is about 30%, and the rest for green areas, and the rest of the services.

Buildings within Sawari Compound New Alexandria City consists of basement + ground floor + 12 floors. The total number of units is about 780 units. Each building contains 2 elevators.

Sawary New Alexandria Prices and types of units

 apartments and duplexes size including 180, 185 and 191 m2 as there are small spaces starting from 119 m2.

The 180 m2 duplex apartment starts from 3.1 million.

The 185 m2 duplex apartment starts from 3.2 million.

The duplex apartment area of 191 m 2 starts from 3.3 million.

for more information 01003366453. 01126662221

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