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مجموعة كليوبترا للتطوير العقاري 02 June 2020 اخر تاريخ تحديث (0 العقارات) (1 المشروعات)

Cleopatra Group Real Estate "Cleopatra Real Estate" is part of Cleopatra Group, owned by the Entrepreneur Mohamed Abu El Enien. Cleopatra Real Estate one of the largest Campany in the Middle East and in the world, Cleopatra Real Estate aims to develop large residential and mixed-use projects wi...

Cleopatra Group Real Estate "Cleopatra Real Estate" is part of Cleopatra Group, owned by the Entrepreneur Mohamed Abu El Enien. Cleopatra Real Estate one of the largest Campany in the Middle East and in the world, Cleopatra Real Estate aims to develop large residential and mixed-use projects with the goal to improve the lifestyle of its customers and the quality of the community.

Cleopatra Real estate Commercial projects: 

Cleopatra Mall Sheikh Zayed

Cleopatra group real estate Residential projects: 

Cleo East New Cairo

Cleopatra Palace El Shorouk

Cleopatra Plaza Nasr City

Cleopatra Plaza Alexandria

Cleopatra Square 6th October

And the Latest Project from Cleopatra Group is Smeralada Bay North Coast